What reviewers are saying...
What does it mean to “play like yourself?” is one of the many important questions that Dr Fred Craigie poses in this wonderful weekly reader. He thereby offers us a chance to discover a deep personal sense of meaning that ultimately expresses itself in acts of purpose. My life has been enriched by reading and reflecting on Fred’s weekly email; I trust his book, an expansion of those emails, will have manna in it for you!
Victoria Maizes, MD
Andrew Weil Endowed Chair in Integrative Medicine
Executive Director, Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine
Professor of Clinical Medicine, Family Medicine and Public Health
University of Arizona
Weekly Soul is a wonderful resource for readers seeking to deepen their spiritual lives and to see and experience goodness in the world. Grounded both in his years of experience and in the science of well-being, Dr. Craigie presents engaging stories, comments, and thoughtful questions for reflection that delve into key elements of well-being such as Aliveness, Purpose, Laughter and Joy, Forgiveness, Civility, Activism, and Hope. You will cherish this week-by-week study for your own personal discipline or for sharing among others.
Lisa Miller, PhD
Professor and Founder, Spirituality Mind Body Institute, Columbia University, Teachers College Author, The Spiritual Child; The New Science of Parenting for Health and Lifelong Thriving
In times of trial and tribulation, we can easily lose our bearings. Finding a true course is necessary; trusted guides are essential. This insightful collection of reflection tools offers an invaluable guidebook for navigating through our inner and outer obstacles, offering needed hope, openings for reevaluation, and inspiring reminders to be tender with ourselves and others. Week by week, we are led along a path towards resilience, self-nurturing and grateful living. This beautiful collection, carefully curated by a master teacher, belongs on our nightstands, in our backpacks, anywhere it can be readily available as healing balm for our wounded souls. In it you can take much needed refuge. Weekly Soul is a well-deserved gift for you—and for anyone in your life who has moments of worry, doubt and tribulation.
Marilyn Schlitz, PhD
CEO/President Emeritus and Senior Fellow at the Institute of Noetic Sciences
Author, Living Deeply: The Art and Science of Transformation in Everyday Life; Consciousness and Healing: Integral Approaches to Mind Body Medicine; and Death Makes Life Possible
There is nothing usual or ordinary about Fred Craigie’s rich, compelling invitation to explore who we are and what matters to us. It’s insanely readable, this beautifully organized mashup of poetry, philosophy, psychology and spirituality.
While I was voraciously turning every page, I was simultaneously promising myself I’d come back and savor each delicious, insightful, mind-popper idea. And I will.
This may be the gentlest, kindest knock upside the head you’ll ever have. It could set your whole life straight (or curvy). No hyperbole. Don’t miss it.
Belleruth Naparstek, ACSW, BCD
Author of Invisible Heroes: Survivors of Trauma and How They Heal; and Publisher of the Health Journeys guided imagery & meditation audio collection
In this book, Fred Craigie has compiled a treasure trove of humane and timeless wisdom. Informational and inspirational, these meditations will assist you in living joyfully, meaningfully, and gracefully. Reading it was a true gift and I am deeply grateful to Dr. Craigie for creating a guidebook for living a life truly worth desiring.
Robert Emmons, PhD
Professor of Psychology, University of California, Davis. Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Positive Psychology and author of Thanks! How Practicing Gratitude Can Make You Happier, Gratitude Works! and The Little Book of Gratitude.
Dr. Fred Craigie is a long-term colleague who is well-loved and respected by those who know him. He has studied and practiced in the nexus of spirituality and health for decades and I have learned a lot from him. Reading Weekly Soul: Fifty-two Meditations on Meaningful, Joyful and Peaceful Living has been both a joy and fulfilling. Clearly, Fred has put a lot of thought into these weekly readings and exercises; they are relevant and formatted in a very usable way. Fred has a knack for offering spiritual readings and exercises in a way that also honors an empirical foundation wherever possible. I highly recommend this book.
Jeff Matranga, Ph.D., ABPP
Diplomate in Health Psychology
Past president, Maine Psychological Association
Dr. Fred Craigie brings us deeper into the mystery of living with reverence and awe- the key to becoming more fully alive. Meaning is a key ingredient to fulfillment for many of us; he creates meditations to assist each of us with meaning, fulfillment and vitality through his personal stories and wisdoms hard earned by those that have gone before us. A year with this book and the thoughtful meditations will shift the lens of anyone choosing to examine life in this way.
Dr. Ann Marie Chiasson, Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine,
Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine,
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.
These 52 bite-sized chapters are deceptively filling. They comprise a feast of inspiration and motivation, reminding us what matters most to us and who we are meant to be. Through Dr. Craigie’s own stories and observations, and the wise and diverse experts he introduces, Weekly Soul will help anyone live more fully and with purpose.
Donna Cameron, author of A Year of Living Kindly: Choices That Will Change Your Life and the World around You.
What does it mean to “play like yourself?” is one of the many important questions that Dr Fred Craigie poses in this wonderful weekly reader. He thereby offers us a chance to discover a deep personal sense of meaning that ultimately expresses itself in acts of purpose. My life has been enriched by reading and reflecting on Fred’s weekly email; I trust his book, an expansion of those emails, will have manna in it for you!
Victoria Maizes, MD
Andrew Weil Endowed Chair in Integrative Medicine
Executive Director, Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine
Professor of Clinical Medicine, Family Medicine and Public Health
University of Arizona
Weekly Soul is a wonderful resource for readers seeking to deepen their spiritual lives and to see and experience goodness in the world. Grounded both in his years of experience and in the science of well-being, Dr. Craigie presents engaging stories, comments, and thoughtful questions for reflection that delve into key elements of well-being such as Aliveness, Purpose, Laughter and Joy, Forgiveness, Civility, Activism, and Hope. You will cherish this week-by-week study for your own personal discipline or for sharing among others.
Lisa Miller, PhD
Professor and Founder, Spirituality Mind Body Institute, Columbia University, Teachers College Author, The Spiritual Child; The New Science of Parenting for Health and Lifelong Thriving
In times of trial and tribulation, we can easily lose our bearings. Finding a true course is necessary; trusted guides are essential. This insightful collection of reflection tools offers an invaluable guidebook for navigating through our inner and outer obstacles, offering needed hope, openings for reevaluation, and inspiring reminders to be tender with ourselves and others. Week by week, we are led along a path towards resilience, self-nurturing and grateful living. This beautiful collection, carefully curated by a master teacher, belongs on our nightstands, in our backpacks, anywhere it can be readily available as healing balm for our wounded souls. In it you can take much needed refuge. Weekly Soul is a well-deserved gift for you—and for anyone in your life who has moments of worry, doubt and tribulation.
Marilyn Schlitz, PhD
CEO/President Emeritus and Senior Fellow at the Institute of Noetic Sciences
Author, Living Deeply: The Art and Science of Transformation in Everyday Life; Consciousness and Healing: Integral Approaches to Mind Body Medicine; and Death Makes Life Possible
There is nothing usual or ordinary about Fred Craigie’s rich, compelling invitation to explore who we are and what matters to us. It’s insanely readable, this beautifully organized mashup of poetry, philosophy, psychology and spirituality.
While I was voraciously turning every page, I was simultaneously promising myself I’d come back and savor each delicious, insightful, mind-popper idea. And I will.
This may be the gentlest, kindest knock upside the head you’ll ever have. It could set your whole life straight (or curvy). No hyperbole. Don’t miss it.
Belleruth Naparstek, ACSW, BCD
Author of Invisible Heroes: Survivors of Trauma and How They Heal; and Publisher of the Health Journeys guided imagery & meditation audio collection
In this book, Fred Craigie has compiled a treasure trove of humane and timeless wisdom. Informational and inspirational, these meditations will assist you in living joyfully, meaningfully, and gracefully. Reading it was a true gift and I am deeply grateful to Dr. Craigie for creating a guidebook for living a life truly worth desiring.
Robert Emmons, PhD
Professor of Psychology, University of California, Davis. Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Positive Psychology and author of Thanks! How Practicing Gratitude Can Make You Happier, Gratitude Works! and The Little Book of Gratitude.
Dr. Fred Craigie is a long-term colleague who is well-loved and respected by those who know him. He has studied and practiced in the nexus of spirituality and health for decades and I have learned a lot from him. Reading Weekly Soul: Fifty-two Meditations on Meaningful, Joyful and Peaceful Living has been both a joy and fulfilling. Clearly, Fred has put a lot of thought into these weekly readings and exercises; they are relevant and formatted in a very usable way. Fred has a knack for offering spiritual readings and exercises in a way that also honors an empirical foundation wherever possible. I highly recommend this book.
Jeff Matranga, Ph.D., ABPP
Diplomate in Health Psychology
Past president, Maine Psychological Association
Dr. Fred Craigie brings us deeper into the mystery of living with reverence and awe- the key to becoming more fully alive. Meaning is a key ingredient to fulfillment for many of us; he creates meditations to assist each of us with meaning, fulfillment and vitality through his personal stories and wisdoms hard earned by those that have gone before us. A year with this book and the thoughtful meditations will shift the lens of anyone choosing to examine life in this way.
Dr. Ann Marie Chiasson, Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine,
Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine,
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.
These 52 bite-sized chapters are deceptively filling. They comprise a feast of inspiration and motivation, reminding us what matters most to us and who we are meant to be. Through Dr. Craigie’s own stories and observations, and the wise and diverse experts he introduces, Weekly Soul will help anyone live more fully and with purpose.
Donna Cameron, author of A Year of Living Kindly: Choices That Will Change Your Life and the World around You.